How to Block an IP Manually from Fail2Ban on Plesk server Print

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Fail2Ban is an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks. It is used to block IP addresses that have multiple failed login attempts. On a Plesk server, you can manually block an IP address using Fail2Ban. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your Plesk server with root or administrator privileges.

  2. Open a terminal or SSH session.

  3. First, ensure that Fail2Ban is running by executing the following command:

    systemctl status fail2ban

    If it's not running, start it with:

    systemctl start fail2ban
  4. To manually block an IP address, use the following command, replacing <IP_ADDRESS> with the actual IP address you want to block, and <JAIL_NAME> with the appropriate jail name (e.g., 'plesk-panel', 'plesk-proftpd', 'plesk-dovecot'):

    fail2ban-client set <JAIL_NAME> banip <IP_ADDRESS>

    For example, to block the IP address from accessing the Plesk panel, use:

    fail2ban-client set plesk-panel banip
  5. Verify that the IP address is blocked by checking the list of banned IPs for the specified jail:

    fail2ban-client status <JAIL_NAME>
  6. If you want to unban the IP address in the future, use the following command, replacing <IP_ADDRESS> and <JAIL_NAME> with the appropriate values:

    fail2ban-client set <JAIL_NAME> unbanip <IP_ADDRESS>

These steps will help you manually block and unblock IP addresses using Fail2Ban on a Plesk server.

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