How do I change my client portal password? Print

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In order to change your your client portal password please use the following steps :

  1.  Log in to your client portal using this link
  2. Locate your username on right hand side sub menu and click on it.  Click on Change Password Option.
  3. Enter your existing password in Existing Password field.
  4. Enter your new password in New Password field.
  5. Confirm your new password by retyping it on to the Confirm New Password field.
  6. Click on Save Changes button.

You have successfully updated your password.

If you do not know your password you can have it reset using the following steps :

  1.  Visit the client portal page by using this link
  2. Click on the Forgot Password button on this page.
  3. Enter your accounts e-mail address.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. You will receive an e-mail with login information so you are able to login to the portal.


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